Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Fresh Glass 8/10/11

It was most rewarding just torching for ME... At least I know my customer will like the beads! LOL!

I made two focals for jewelry projects I'm thinking of: a big lentil full of reactive silver glasses & dichroic with surface decoration of a sunflower wrapping around the side and a big circle of life scroll in blue aventurine.

The other is  BIG hole squished bead. I wanted it with a HUGE hole for a kumihimo project I want to demo. I wanted what amounts to a tiger bead with some brown and olive accents instead of straight topaz. I really like the way it came out.

Lastly, I played with my emerald press and realize... there's a learning curve to it. Still a lovely shape though!

1 comment:

Lara Lutrick said...

Holly, very pretty beads!