Was my sale a complete and utter failure due to :
- Poor timing... one of the busiest travel / graduation / holidays of the year
- Ugly beads... I often feel that my beads are different... people don't "get" me / my humor / my style... or as I like to say, "My beads are ugly and their mother dresses them funny."
- Too much reliance on Facebook and my own paltry newsletter?
Ugly beads... well, if they are ugly, people outright lie to me. Although I always secretly wonder when someone calls them "interesting" if they really mean ugly. (I hate that word - interesting... it's such a vague bullshit kinda word.) Unless people are honest with me, I have no idea.
And as for Facebook, after reading this informative article, I realized that Fan Pages don't really work the way I thought they did. To quote the author, Kristen:
"Right now only certain fans see your updates in their feeds. However, if you now PAY Facebook $5 for an estimated reach of 900 fans or $10 to reach approximately 1600 fans, then your status update will show up in the feed of everyone who “likes” your page."
That's great but I don't have 500 fans and don't feel I should have to PAY the same as someone who does just to get a message out. And as business owner, I understand that Facebook can't offer all it's services for free forever. However, as a fan of many business pages (from my local bakery to other etsy sellers or RL friends), I hate that I have to go to their page just to see what's going on or to increase the likelihood that I will see a sale or special that pertains to me. I feel that if I LIKE something... it should show up in my feed PERIOD!
As for my newsletter... I thought it was a great way to communicate with potential customers but when less than a third open it much less click on a link... I'm left pulling my hair out trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong. Which leads me back to #2...ugly beads.
I have no answers and I've always laid my feelings and insecurities bare here just as I have shared my triumphs. The lack of interest certainly doesn't make me want to hit the torch...which I could have done every day this week and... just could not make myself do it. I just know I long to be one of those bead makers who makes beads and... they sell. I've only experienced that a handful of time via my fan page... guess I can't be too mad at Facebook.
If anyone is remotely interested after this post... there is a huge sale and a CONTEST going on.
a Rafflecopter giveaway