I am buried under a mountain of tax paperwork and ... life keeps getting in the way. Today's fiasco involved a pack of labs jumping up on me while hiking in the creek. I later realized that had dislodged my car keys that "had" been safety pinned to my clothes!
Then the pupster ran off and got in some choyas. Her first cactus problem since she was a puppy and came home with over 200 stickers! Today was mild - under 30. But I still had to sedate her and it was a three person job to remove them. That cost me most of the afternoon!
Anyway, there are a bunch of new beadies
up on the site and I'm trying to add one or two more every day.
Here's a few more teasers:


"Robin Eggs"
I have pieces of mine sitting on the kitchen counter... guess that doesn't count as an entry!
March 20, 2009 5:31 AM
I love the Koi fish! Beautiful work!
March 23, 2009 4:13 PM