I had mentioned my customer wanted the fish to hang so they looked like they were swimming, top down view. I thought it was a fantastic idea. But, great idea and execution are two very different things.
I found working with the mandrel going through the side of the fish much more difficult and it added a good ten minutes to my working time. And in lampwork, time = money.
My first attempt, I started a bit too far down the mandrel to get the tail to look exactly as I wanted. It still came out nice and that is the one my customer bought.
The second one, I started near the end of the mandrel and did get a nice bend in the tail.
But the longer working time on both made the frit stretch a bit more than I would have liked.
All in all, I really do like this look but I'm uncertain if the higher price tag will find a market in this economy.
The orange one is available on
HollysFolly.com and all Halloween beads are 10% off.