I want to make this blog informative and fun. Since lampwork is one of my favorite things in the world, I want to share some of my favorite artists with you from time time. I'm very thrilled to have one of my favorite artists inaugurate the interview section.
Gina DeStevens was one of the first lampwork artists I fell in love with on ebay. Her work is elegant, precise and often leaves me scraping my chin off my desk. I own several sets of her beads and they fall into the category of "so pretty I don't know what to do with them!" I have the following set framed alongside my other "collector pieces."

But this animal print Kalera set is my absolute favorite.

Now onto the interview:
What attracted you to glass?
I happened upon lampworking by accident. I had never heard of it, and one night while looking on the net for seed beads, I came across this "lampwork" stuff, and immediately fell in love! The whole idea of working hot molten glass was (and still is!) very exciting, and read everything I could find on the subject. I've been hooked ever since.
Many glass artists have training in other art mediums. Do you? If yes, please explain.
Hmmm, I can't really say I've even had any training in this one! LOL! I'm self taught through books, info on the net, and trial and error.
Describe the first bead you made that you were really proud of? Are you still proud of it now?
Oh, the 1st bead I made that I was really proud of was in fact, my 1st bead! A little opaque dark turquoise spacer.
What inspires you?
Color! It's all about color, baby! LOL! I usually get into a "groove" with a certain design, and make it over and over, exploring different ways to combine and/or blend colors using the same design. I get a lot of ideas from fabrics, home decor magazines, flowers, trees, even sometimes food!
[NOTE: As of 9/13/08, Gina has several auctions featuring this very design! Check 'em out with the links below]

Do you have a plan when you sit down to torch? Do you sketch beads or have photos around for reference?
I try to have a mental plan, an idea of what I'm going to make that day, but that's about it. No sketches or photos. I like to brainstorm with the glass as I work with it.
Photography seems to be a key element for any glass artist. What type of camera / lightbox set up do you use?
My photo set up is a homemade light box my husband David made for me out of white plexiglass, a couple of clamp lights, and a fluorescent bulb running through the underside (lighting from underneath helps to eliminate shadows).
My camera is a Kodak Z612.
If the issue of finances (i.e. will it sell?) were of no consequence, what would you spend your time making?
Well, I'd probably make time for more sleep! LOL! But as far as beads, I'd probably explore the more expensive silver glasses even more often, and experiment with them without the worry of "wasting".
What kind of jewelry do you wear? Everyday vs. out on the town?
I love sterling silver and dangly bold earrings. I usually wear one of my lampwork bracelets and occasionally a lampwork necklace. Oswego is a small town, so every day wear is "out on the town".

What is the one skill you wish came easier to you?
Oh, that's easy.....time management. 24 hours just isn't enough time!
What do you love about marketing your business? What’s the hardest part of marketing it?
The part I love about marketing my business is that I can do it from home. I've been a stay-at-home mom, but a business person at the same time. I can go to work in my jammies if I want to (and many times, I do!).
The part I find the hardest is a catch - it's hard, because I'm at home, and never really leave my job. The ongoing dance of balancing career, personal time, and family can be tricky sometimes when it's all in the same place.
What made you decide to start marketing frits?
At first, I just wanted to buy a few frits that I couldn't find at any of the places I had purchased before, so I bought a few kilos in bulk, took out what I wanted and figured I'd just sell off the rest. Well, that was COOL! So I bought more, and sold more, and......

Please include any links you would like my readers to know about.
My website - GMDLampwork
My ebay -
The Frit Shop
GMD on etsy
Take a moment to check out this fabulous artist's work!
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